When Life Gives You Lemons Funny When Life Gives You Lemons Make Orange Juice

It's not about the precise number of ups and downs in life, but rather how effortlessly we navigate between them. Then, when life hands you a lemon, how do you cope with it? Understanding your life's inevitable ups and downs is a fantastic place to start when it comes to cultivating more equanimity and inner serenity.

If you pay attention to your mood, you'll notice that we all have numerous minor ups and downs daily. The next post will show you the funniest When Life Gives You Lemons Quotes to help you get through life's difficulties.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Origin of When Life Gives You Lemons
  • 2 When Life Gives You Lemons Quotes
    • 2.1 Motivational Quotes About 'When Life Gives You Lemons'
    • 2.2 When Life Gives You Lemons Funny Quotes To Feel Better
    • 2.3 When Life Throws You Lemons Similar Quotes To Boost Your Spirits
    • 2.4 Inspirational When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade Quote For Life
    • 2.5 Motivational Quotes About When Life Gives You Lemons

Origin of When Life Gives You Lemons

'When life brings you lemons, make lemonade' phrases refer to turning the negative occurrences in one's life into something positive.

The phrase is a well-known adage that encourages individuals to convert a negative circumstance into a positive one by adopting a positive mindset. The adage generally goes something like this: 'When life offers you lemons, create lemonade.' It's an apt phrase that's been utilized in numerous quotations.

'When life offers you lemons, create orange juice and leave them wondering how you did it,' or 'When life brings you lemons, squeeze them in people's eyes,' are two versions of this colloquial phrase. According to this saying, when life delivers you sour and bad situations, you reply with equal bitterness and make the negativity go away.

Irrfan Khan, an Indian actor, stated, "One of the truest and finest quotations about lemons and life was expressed by Irrfan Khan, "When life offers you lemons, create lemonade, as the saying goes… It's good to talk about it, but when life hands you lemons, making lemonade becomes tough."

When Life Gives You Lemons Quotes

Motivational Quotes About 'When Life Gives You Lemons'

Motivating oneself through difficult circumstances necessitates mental fortitude and, on occasion, an external push. Allow this collection of quotes to catalyze for one to believe in the goodness of life.

Dale Carnegie

1. If you have a lemon, make a lemonade. – Dale Carnegie.

2. When life gives you lemons ask it for sugar and water too. Otherwise, your final product would be some acidic lemon juice! – Priyavrat Gupta.

3. When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade, make pink lemonade. Be unique. – Wanda Sykes.

4. When life gives you lemons, learn to juggle. – James Patterson.

5. When life gives you lemons, take it. Don't waste food. – Giselle Marquez.

6. When life gives you lemons, freeze them, and use them to throw at your enemies using some sort of trebuchet. – Jenny Lawson.

7. If God gives you lemons, You must plant the seeds. – Ana Claudia Antunes, 'A-Z of Happiness', 2015.

8. When life gives you lemons, keep them, cause hey — free lemons. – Jake Hamilton.

9. When life gives you lemons make lemon meringue pie. – Colleen Houck.

When Life Gives You Lemons Funny Quotes To Feel Better

'Make lemonade when life offers you lemons' isn't the only saying that can always make things right. Here's a list of hilarious scenarios with quotes.

10. When life gives you lemons you tell life to get a life because lemons are a terrible gift. – Patrick Schell.

11. I believe when life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade…and try to find someone whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. – Ron White.

12. When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye. – Cathy Guiswite.

13. When life hands you lemonade, don't try to make lemons. – Vince Guthrie.

14. When life gives you lemons, throw them back. – Joe Jonas.

15. When life gives you lemons, make sure you know whose eyes you need to squeeze them in. – Colleen Hoover.

16. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back… What am I supposed to do with these? I demand to see life's manager… – J. K. Simmons.

17. When life gives you lemons, you exchange them at the store for something more edible. – Grace Helbig.

18. When life gives you lemons, chunk it right back. – Bill Watterson.

19. When life gives you lemons, order the lobster tail. – Ziad K. Abdelnour.

20. When life hands me lemons I hand them back and pick something else. – Behdad Sami.

21. When life gives you lemons…add melted butter, toasted paprika, and dip some lobster in it! – Stuart J Scesney.

22. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then figure out how to sell it for $5.00 a glass. – John Woodman.

When Life Throws You Lemons Similar Quotes To Boost Your Spirits

If life offers you a lemon, make lemonade; if life gives you berries, make jam. Here's a collection of comparable quotation styles to brighten one's day – turning lemons into lemonade quotes.

Emilyann Allen.

23. Life handed me lemons, so I made lemonade, lemon cake, lemon drops, and I even used the rinds to make lemon art. So the joke is on you, life… – Emilyann Allen.

24. A grapefruit is just a lemon that saw an opportunity and took advantage of it. – Oscar Wilde.

25. The old saying is that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. I say forget that. When life gives you lemons, make margaritas. – Kristin Neff.

26. I got handed lemons too, you know but I learned how to make lemonade with them… No one ever told me I had to add sugar but that's life for you. It ain't sweet. – Elizabeth Flock, 'Me & Emma', 2004.

27. Stop worrying and start living. – Dale Carnegie.

28. It's not what happens to you, but how you handle it. If Life gives you lemons, make lemonade. If the lemons are rotten, take out the seeds and plant them in order to grow new lemons. – Louise Hay.

29. When one door shuts, another one opens. – Alexander Graham Bell.

30. When life gives you lemons….they could really be oranges. – Ellen DeGeneres.

31. I was of the 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, then wonder why life didn't give you freaking sugar so you could drink the stuff' school of thought. – Cate Tiernan.

If you happen to be interested in other best quotes about life, go check out Top 100 Best Appreciate What You Have Quotes [2022] before reading on.

Inspirational When Life Gives You Lemons Make Lemonade Quote For Life

When life throws you a lemon, try to figure out how to create the finest lemonade you can. When you approach difficulties with a positive mindset, it is easier to get through challenging circumstances. This quotation list can assist you in this regard.

Anthon St. Maarten

32. When life gives you lemons, you don't make lemonade. You use the seeds to plant a whole orchard, an entire franchise! – Anthon St. Maarten.

33. When life gives you lemons, sell them, and buy a pineapple. How to better your life 101. – Davin Turney.

34. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and sell it to all of those who get thirsty from complaining. – Napoleon Hill.

35. If life hands you lemons, make lemonade! Words to live by, especially when you kept in mind that the only way to make them into lemonade was to squeeze the hell out of them. – Stephen King, 'End of Watch', 2016.

36. If life gives you lemons, make some kind of fruity juice. – Conan O'Brien.

37. When life gives you lemons, you might as well shove 'em where the sun doesn't shine because you are sure as hell aren't ever going to see any lemonade. – Rob Thurman.

38. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and then throw it in the face of the person who gave you the lemons until they give you the oranges you originally asked for. – Cassandra Clare.

39. When life gives you lemons, go to a taco stand. – Mariana Zapata.

40. When life gives you lemons, forget the lemonade. Make a lemon chicken and a rich lemon cheesecake. Blame life for the extra pounds. – Suzie Smith.

41. When life gives you lemons, take out the salt and the shot glasses and fill them up with tequila. — Teodora Kostova

42. When life gives you lemonade, it's time to open the gin.

43. When life gives you lemons, throw them at people. HARD. ― Thomas J. Montemarano

44. When life gives you lemons, do a lemon water detox.

45. When life gives you lemons, say, 'Cool, what else you got?' ― Carmen in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

46. When life hands you lemons, get yourself some limes because life can't be trusted. ― Safaya Carbon

47. When life gives you lemons, make champagne, and leave the whole world wondering how you did it! ― Marjory Sheba

48. As far as I'm concerned, there are two types of people in this world: people like Queeg who when life gives them lemons make lemonade, and everyone else. And although those smug lemonade-makers think the rest of us just sit around all day bitching about not getting oranges, they're wrong. It's all about volume. When you're ass-deep in lemons, you start looking for a shovel, not a pitcher, and a cup of sugar. ― Melissa DeCarlo, The Art of Crash Landing

49. 'See, Red? When life hands you lemons, you know what you gotta do?'

'Wow,' Lauren said. 'Yes, Mr. Cliché, I know what I have to do. I make lemonade.'

'No,' he said. 'You scream, Fuck you, lemons! And then you throw those goddamn lemons into oncoming traffic, and you go do what you want to do.' ― Priscilla Glenn, Back to You

50. When life gives you lemons, juice them up, plant the seeds, and throw the rinds back at life.

51. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and sell it for a profit.

52. When life gives you lemons, sell them and buy a pineapple. ― Davin Turney

53. When life gives you lemons, make lemon marmalade.

54. When life gives you lemons, use them to make pickles.

55. When life gives you lemons, plant its seeds, grow yourself an orchard, sell it to Sunkist. Carry on. – José N. Harris

56. When life gives you lemons, chuck it back on life's face and say, 'No, Thank you!'

57. When life gives you lemons, take it. Don't waste food. – Giselle Marquez

58. When life gives you lemons, juice them up, plant the seeds and throw the rinds back at life.

59. When life gives you lemons, freeze them and use them to throw at your enemies using some sort of trebuchet. – Jenny Lawson

60. When life gives you lemons, gift wrap them and give it to someone else.

Motivational Quotes About When Life Gives You Lemons

61. When life gives you lemons… get creative.

62. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, pickle, lemon tart or whatever the heck you want. But make something and don't just stand there and allow your problem to become a virus infiltrating every sphere of life. Problems are good, bad and some worth ignoring yet solution exists for a reason. – Rajeev Anand

63. When life gives you lemons squeeze them in people's eyes.

64. When Life Gives You Lemons, you tell life to get a life because lemons are a terrible gift. – Patrick Schell

65. When life gives you lemons, sell them on ebay.

66. When life gives your lemons, make lemonade and sell it for a profit.

67. When life gives you lemons, take out the salt and the shot-glasses and fill them up with tequila. – Teodora Kostova

68. When life gives you lemons, add melted butter, toasted paprika and dip some lobster in it! – Stuart J. Scesney

69. When life gives you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it. – Mitch Griego

70. When life gives you lemons, pickle them up and use when needed.

71. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! – Portal 2

72. When life gives you lemons, spray someone in the eye. – Cathy Guiswite

73. When life gives you lemons, say cool, what else you got? – Carmen in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

74. When life gives you lemons, find a few friends and play the lemon and spoon race.

75. When life gives you lemons, grab tequila and salt.

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Source: https://pennbookcenter.com/when-life-gives-you-lemons-quotes/

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