whole food plant based diet what food to eat

Whole Food Plant Based Diet Pin

Whole food plant-based eating has get more and more than popular over the last few years! It has also sparked our interest in creating this very website.

Thanks to a plethora of benefits ranging from sentient creatures to our planet and protecting our own wellness, the WFPB diet is something that many people end up post-obit for proficient.

Nutriciously Week of Bowls iPad

free 7-day vegan meal plan

Your side by side calendar week of eating is planned out with these quick and delicious vegan bowls, meal prepping steps & full grocery list.

Although it's first and foremost just an eating design, nosotros like to view it as a lifestyle more than so than a short-term diet and would love to share with yous the many ways to make it work for y'all!

If you lot'd similar to check out our other vegan beginner guides, encounter how to transition to a vegan nutrition here and find our height 12 tips for how to start a institute-based diet here.

Our in-depth guide will cover lots of subjects such as budget-friendly go-to staple foods, how to plan out your meals and cravings. Find lots of real-life tips, whole food institute-based recipes and free resource and printables!

Jump to these topics:

woman in white clothes standing behind three colorful vegan smoothies

What is a WFPB diet?

A WFPB diet is short for a "whole food plant-based diet" and is often used to describe a fully vegan nutrition that doesn't comprise any heavily processed foods. So, no meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, or honey, just also no refined grains, added sugars or added fats (like oils).

Notwithstanding, there are different degrees of processed foods, and this eating pattern may include minimally processed items similar tofu, whole grain flour, nut butter or tomato sauce. Allow's simplify it this way:

  • Whole food: unrefined, unprocessed or minimally processed nutrient
  • Constitute-based: coming from mainly unrefined plants, not containing any animal products
  • Vegan: simply non containing whatever fauna products

Find a full printable list below.

Nosotros personally use the terms institute-based, whole food plant-based and good for you vegan nutrition interchangeably throughout this website, ever referring to the same concept equally explained in this guide.

As ethical vegans, we are aware that veganism is more of a political statement and encompasses more than than but what we eat; it is…

Reasons for a plant-based nutrition

Are you looking to feel meliorate physically or foreclose chronic disease? Or are yous concerned about the state of the planet, the mistreatment of animals and poverty in many countries?

The good news is that you can "feed all those birds with one scone" – meaning a nutrition free from creature products tin can take care of all of the pressing issues of today.

Not completely, of course, but information technology's a powerful foundational first step each i of the states can accept… and the all-time part is, you can take it today.

All-time reasons & benefits

  • Disease prevention, including eye disease and type 2 diabetes
  • Weight management and sustainable weight loss without counting calories
  • Dealing with allergies, skin or digestive issues
  • Reducing exposure to ecology contaminants
  • Improving claret menstruum and fitness
  • Showing compassion to sentient beings
  • Reducing environmental footprint
  • Fighting world hunger and wildlife extinction
  • Discovering tasty a new plant-based meal each day

What to eat on a WFPB diet

Nosotros really dear how unproblematic eating like this can be. No demand to strictly follow recipes (though you can to get a experience for it, just take a await at our drove of complimentary recipes, we just freestyle with our favorite representatives from the different plant-based nutrient groups. Guaranteed to exist nutritious and succulent!

This isn't what almost people believe in the beginning, though. Moving away from animal products can seem scary, and for the uninitiated, it can await like in that location'due south pretty much nothing left to consume except for some sad lettuce and expensive avocado toast.

Basically, the primary foods to eat on a plant-based nutrition are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and basics and seeds. But what actual foods at the store tin can you grab? Here are some examples.

Quick shopping list

Full Vegan Shopping List

two printable pages to create a vegan grocery list

download our gratis printable vegan grocery list

Grab your free PDF and sign upward for our newsletter past entering your e-mail beneath!

Apart from that, y'all can leave a little room on top of your found-based nutrient pyramid for some less healthy treats – because nobody expects you to be 100% perfect or constantly captivate over what you swallow.

That's what contributes to the success and longevity of such a lifestyle modify and what distinguishes it from a curt-term diet.

To be a little more detailed in which foods should be minimized or avoided, here are some examples!

Food to Minimize or Avoid

Meeting nutrient needs

In 2009, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the largest dietetic grouping worldwide with more than than 100,000 credentialed practitioners) published a position paper on vegetarian diets which stated that:

"accordingly planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally acceptable, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of sure diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are advisable for individuals during all stages of the life wheel, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and boyhood, and for athletes."

This statement lone should be plenty assurance that anybody can exist good for you on a fully plant-based diet.

But if you're still nervous, don't worry – more than and more major wellness organizations take come out with similar acknowledgments which include the findings of show-based reviews showing that establish-based diets are associated with a lower run a risk for many chronic diseases.

woman in blue shirt staning at a white table and cutting orange sweet potato into slices

Critical nutrients to consider

Every unmarried way of eating comes with caveats. Just because someone eats animal products doesn't hateful they meet all of their nutritional requirements!

While information technology's true that following a whole food constitute-based diet ways you need to supplement with vitamin B12, animate being-based diets are almost always too high in saturated fat and cholesterol while lacking fiber, folate, magnesium, vitamin C and vitamin E.

To ensure that nosotros all meet our requirements, we'd similar to testify you the nutrients that demand to be looked out for a little more carefully and likewise equally foods to emphasize to cover your needs.

  • Calcium: light-green vegetables, oranges, tahini, calcium-fortified soy milk and tofu
  • Iron: oats, spinach, stale figs, lentils, tahini, chickpeas
  • Zinc: whole grains, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, pumpkin seeds, almonds
  • Iodine: nori or dulse seaweed, iodized salt
  • Omega-3: flax seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts
  • Vitamin D: sun exposure, some UV-light grown mushrooms, supplement
  • Vitamin B12: fortified food, supplements

Please note that it's crucial that every establish-based eater supplements with vitamin B12. Anybody over the age of 65 should accept this supplement, no matter if they are following a pl or not, due to the worsening ability to blot it.

B12 is fabricated past bacteria and due to our sanitized h2o and food supply, we need to brand sure we're all getting enough. Beast feed is ofttimes fortified with B12; vegans merely cut out the middle-animate being to cover their needs.

Mockup of two sheets of the vegan food pyramid printables

download our free vegan nutrition printables

Grab your free PDF and sign upwardly for our newsletter past entering your email beneath!

Found-based foods & calories

Information technology can be easy to accidentally undereat on a WFPB nutrition – specially if you're coming from a history of restrictive dieting.

The current trend of eating small portions, which is definitely necessary to maintain a salubrious diet if yous include a fair amount of animal products and processed food, isn't applicable when following this manner of eating

Existence used to restricting carbohydrates, for case, may cause you to just load up on vegetables with some plant-based poly peptide on the side. Although this can look like a huge amount of food, it contains very few calories.

Intentionally or not, undereating on calories can easily lead to malnutrition as well as feeling constantly hungry and low in energy – a reason that's often mentioned every bit to why people turn their backs on veganism

What eating below your natural hunger drive definitely does is drastically increase the chances of existence hangry and grabbing the nearest calorically dense food (ofttimes a bag of chips or chocolate bar).

It's a skilful idea to track your food intake over a few days if you start post-obit a plant-based diet to brand sure y'all come across all of your needs for the mean solar day – including calories.

Wondering almost specific requirements, portion sizes and more than? Find our extensive article on the Vegan Food Pyramid, including costless downloadable cheat sheets, below.

Consummate Vegan Nutrient Pyramid

In general, yous exercise not demand to count or measure your nutrient to be well-nourished on such nutritious food (unless to ensure you lot swallow enough).

Simply cull from all whole plant foods, especially whole grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, basics and seeds, and emphasize the sources of critical nutrients above and mind to your hunger and satiety cues.

Looking to lose or gain weight? Specifics on that here.

table with several bowls of cooked spaghetti that are being topped with vegan bolognese

What nigh protein?

Every bit you might expect, this is ane of the biggest concerns we've heard over the years. Then, allow us explicate.

Amino acids, the building blocks that make up poly peptide, originally come from the plant kingdom. They are essential and help maintain musculus and os mass as well as support the immune organisation.

Reverse to pop belief, there's no need for a single food or even repast to be a "complete protein" that covers all eight essential amino acids in adequate amounts.

It's perfectly fine to get the different amino acids from a variety of foods over the course of the day, merely as we explained in our plant-based protein primer here.

Generally speaking, the boilerplate Western person eats mode too much protein, as the DRI for adults is only 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight (which comes to around 50-lx grams per mean solar day for a person at a good for you weight).

While vegans can get all of the protein they need from plants, lysine (ane essential amino acid) is a piffling harder to come by, but is still plant in many legumes. In general, whole establish foods like basics, seeds, vegetables and whole grains all have protein!

Information technology's not hard to meet daily protein needs while eating a varied whole foods plant-based vegan nutrition since every unprocessed nutrient contains at least some corporeality, but only to exist sure, here's a list of some high-protein found-based foods:

  • Grains: Seitan, amaranth, quinoa, spaghetti made from whole grains
  • Legumes: Tempeh, peanuts, tofu, soy milk, lentils, beans
  • Nuts & Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, almonds

Find some keen recipe ideas below!

Is soy unhealthy?

You're probably on lath with the idea that legumes are healthy – all but this i, at least. Unfortunately, poor soy has gotten such a bad rep that we often become requests for soy-free versions of our recipes. If you're allergic to soy, yep! Please stay away from it.

If y'all're not allergic and withal want to skip soy, you lot're really missing out. It's a neat source of protein due to its amino acid profile, helps encounter your calcium and zinc needs and is associated with longevity!

Soy contains phytoestrogens (similar to but not the aforementioned as mammalian estrogens found in humans or animals) which can block our own estrogen – something that is helpful for specific types of cancer or bone loss in women.

And speaking from an ecology perspective, the rainforest is not vanishing due to the soy that vegans eat but because of the large amount of soy that'southward existence fed to livestock animals.

Why Soy Is Good for you

Eating oil-free?

Now, this isn't a bargain-breaker. We would certainly argue that cutting out all creature products should be fashion higher on your list of priorities than cutting out nearly or all oils! And eating oil-free makes more sense in some situations than in others. But get-go things showtime.

Equally per definition, this nutrition is costless from refined ingredients – and this includes vegetable oil or nut-based oil. Yes, even olive oil and coconut oil!

They are pretty much pure fatty without a considerable amount of vitamins, minerals or antioxidants (like to white sugar).

Oils tin can slow downwards blood flow and speedily add a hefty amount of calories to any meal! However, this can be a good thing for those who take small appetites.

Overall, the whole food itself is preferred over the refined version – the same goes for olives versus olive oil or walnuts versus walnut oil.

Oil-gratuitous doesn't mean fat-free! As you can see above, a WFPB nutrition includes nuts, seeds, avocado and olives – all of which give yous the essential fatty acids you need.

The decision to become oil-free isn't for anybody, though. If you're losing weight too speedily or are already underweight, take a hard time meeting caloric needs or but don't like the taste of healthy food unless it'southward prepared with some oil, then delight forego this step for at present.

All of our original recipes on this website are oil-free, and nosotros're pretty sure y'all won't discover that anything's missing! Why non give information technology a try?

Weight issues as a vegan

Much of our content is created for people looking to lose some weight. That makes sense because most of united states comport effectually some extra body fat which isn't necessarily healthy.

While we don't desire the plant-based movement to become an aristocracy guild of "thin people only" and go into fat-shaming fashion, we'd dear for each of you to get their healthiest self!

Weight loss usually comes hands when focusing on whole plant-based nutrient – they are naturally low in calories and loftier in fiber, meaning you can fill while shedding some pounds without fifty-fifty trying.

So, what if y'all're gaining weight on a vegan or plant-based diet? Y'all probably restricted either carbs or calories prior to making the switch, rely on candy nutrient too much or only aren't listening to your hunger and satiety cues.

The EPIC-Oxford report which compared diet and BMI of 38,000 meat-eaters, fish-eaters, vegetarians and vegans, revealed that the vegan population was the but 1 with an average BMI in the healthy range. High poly peptide and low cobweb intakes were the factors virtually strongly associated with increasing BMI.

You're very probable no biological aberration – check our resources to come across what'southward possible for you lot.

Desire to gain weight on a vegan diet in a healthy way? Many accept done and then before.

What we know works for salubrious weight loss can also piece of work for healthy weight gain so long as you proceed considering the calorie density principle.

This means that, if y'all desire to healthfully gain weight, you lot'll need to fill upwardly on calorically dumbo foods such equally nuts and seeds, bread, pasta, hummus, dried fruit or potable your food in the form of a smoothie (twenty+ tasty smoothie recipes hither).

Skip the large green salads and keep your vegetable intake on the lower side to leave room for richer foods.

Vegan Weight Gain Foods

different colored bliss balls with matcha, coconut, cocoa and pistachios on white parchment paper

Stocking your kitchen

This part is then much fun! Now that we've shown you which foods belong on a constitute-based plate, we need to make sure you have some of them at home. But please don't think you have to become buy all the vegan food that's available at the store now!

There are a couple of vegan staple foods you might already have at home – or can focus on them next fourth dimension you get shopping. They are very versatile, nutritious and like shooting fish in a barrel to find at near places!

The best staple foods

  • Lentils
  • Potatoes
  • Oats
  • Canned beans
  • Cashews
  • Rice
  • Flaxseeds
  • Bananas
  • Frozen veggies
  • Lemons
  • Tofu
  • Mustard
  • Pasta
  • Canned tomatoes
  • Vegetable broth
  • Plant-based milk

These staples tin can be used for numerous sweet, savory, common cold and warm dishes. Add your favorite fresh or frozen produce and you're likely to meet most of your nutritional needs for the day!

You can brand things easier for your transition by deciding to get rid of as many refined and beast-based foods every bit possible. This depends on your living situation and whether or not your family is on lath, only maybe cease buying what yous personally don't want to eat.

Please remember that our tips are generalized hither. When stocking your own found-based kitchen, you need to have your individual gustation preferences into business relationship – as well every bit the amount of time you have for cooking and preparing nutrient (we'll talk about meal prepping in a second).

Only await, didn't we forget nearly something? The price point. And so, allow's see what all of this would price yous.

Is a plant-based diet expensive?

This depends on the bodily foods that you choose to eat. Having fancy avocado toast or cashew cheese every 24-hour interval will lead to a high grocery bill for sure!

Luckily, many nutrition staples are very budget-friendly – depending on where y'all live and what flavor you're in.

Peculiarly when you think about the nutrition yous become for the money spent, whole institute-based foods will be hard to beat out.

Dark-green vegetables, whole grains and legumes are all rich in minerals, fiber and phytonutrients. When bought seasonally and in bulk, they are very affordable! These foods are the ideal foundation of actually anyone'due south diet.

Have you compared a handbag of oats or rice with candy or beast-based foods? When about of your calories come from whole starches instead of meat, cheese and eggs, your grocery bill will shrink drastically. Here are our best tips!

Budget tips

Full Vegan Budget Guide

food processor with chickpeas, suateed vegetables, tomato paste, mustard and several spices

Found-based kitchen tools

Having your kitchen stocked with some bones constitute-based foods is the showtime important stride to creating delicious and like shooting fish in a barrel whole food plant-based meals.

But depending on the recipes you programme on following, it might brand sense to invest in one or ii kitchen tools to make your life a lot easier.

Our favorites to outset:

  • Not-stick pan and pot
  • Large dinner bowls
  • Airtight nutrient containers
  • High-speed blender
  • Immersion blender
  • Mandoline
  • Silicone blistering ware
  • Pressure cooker

Yous tin find our full guide on neat plant-based diet kitchen tools with recommendations, an in-depth Instant Pot review with a downloadable guide below.

Repast planning & prepping

This step is more for some people than others. We personally love to go with what we feel like eating each 24-hour interval and not plan also much alee apart from regular batch cooking our favorite plant-based foods.

But we likewise accept more time on our hands and both follow plant-based diets – plus we're already very versed in freestyling with tasty ingredients to put together a well-rounded meal.

Easy Vegan Recipes for Beginners

But you might exist a person who loves structure and convenience in the kitchen, and so here's how you can manage that.

If you are already familiar with meal planning and prepping, then switching to a plant-based or even WFPB diet will just make things easier.

There is less chance of your food being contaminated or going bad if it's made from plants instead of animal products – and cooking some lentils is unremarkably quicker than preparing meat.

Benefits of meal planning & prepping

  • Easier shopping and lower grocery bill
  • Less food waste product
  • Makes good for you eating very user-friendly
  • Less time spent in the kitchen
  • Lunches to get instead of eating out
  • Nutritionally sound meals
  • Trying new meals regularly
  • Less decision making and overthinking

Many of our whole food found-based recipes piece of work well for repast planning and prepping, as well! Just check out this 1-week vegan meal programme.

How to transition

Are you convinced past at present that a WFPB nutrition could be for you? That's awesome! We'd love to make the transition phase for you a fleck easier.

At that place are a few different ways to go about this and how yous should do information technology depends on your personality and situation.

Living on your ain and an all-or-nothing type? Bound right into it if y'all similar! Throw all the non-compliant food out or give it away, start making whole nutrient establish-based meals and never expect back.

But for well-nigh people, a gradual approach works all-time. Yous may live with other people or feel similar it would be fashion out of your comfort zone to give up all of your favorite foods at once. This is what yous can do.

Easy transition tips

There is no need to overcomplicate things! Sure, it'south important to be informed and a bit mindful most what you lot're eating simply going down the rabbit hole of analyzing every single bite isn't very productive.

Crowding out the unhealthy food past eating more of the salubrious whole nutrient establish-based things you lot already like is a great first step! It tin can be as simple as choosing whole grains over refined ones for now.

We take a whole department of our website dedicated to the WFPB nutrition transition process, feel gratuitous to become through everything!

Possible problems you'll see

While it'south true that there are many benefits associated with a plant-based nutrition, there are some possible pitfalls to expect out for. Y'all can do any diet right or wrong!

Some of yous might go through the transition phases in a breeze, with no discomforts or hiccups at all. That's wonderful!

Only to those of you lot whose health is already compromised or are used to eating mainly candy nutrient and fauna products, hither'southward what could happen.

None of these possible side effects mean that you lot cannot successfully transition to a plant-based diet; you simply need to bargain with them one time they come. And rest assured, there is ever a manner to make it work!

From checking with your doctor before making drastic changes to slowly increasing the fiber in your diet and chewing well, there are many little things that can make a considerable deviation.

It'due south all a matter of wanting to change your way of eating, understanding the found-based nutrition basics and then adjusting information technology to your state of affairs.

Side-Effects of Going Vegan

three homemade black bean brownies on top of each other being drizzled with melted chocolate

Craving heavily candy food

We've all been at that place. Out of the blue, you but need to go and catch a chocolate bar. Only what if you lot want to follow a healthy diet and are haunted by thoughts of burgers, fries and cakes?

There are several means to work your way through this.

  1. First of all, nobody is telling you to eat a 100% super healthy nutrition for the rest of your life, starting today, with no exceptions. As explained a couple of times above, it is fine to simply increase the corporeality of whole plant-based foods, similar vegetables or legumes, on your plate – and still have the fries on the side. Just eating less of the not-so-nutritious stuff will already take you in the correct direction.
  2. Then, you could look for a few recipes showing you how to create salubrious plant-based versions of your favorite food! In that location are many smart food swaps that can replace animal products and refined ingredients in most dishes, making them WFPB-approved.
  3. And if you lot find yourself peckish heavily processed food out of boredom or habit, you can retrain your encephalon and learn new ways of relaxing after a stressful day that don't have annihilation to practice with food.

You tin notice our downloadable cravings checklist forth with the scientific reasons why we're craving unhealthy nutrient and how to prevent them in our in-depth article along with other resource on this discipline beneath.

Our summit tip for y'all right now is this: consume as much of the healthy tasty food as you need to feel full and well-nourished – it's ane of the easiest ways to forestall the longing to reach for a bag of fries. More tips in our article below.

5 Steps to Prevent Rampage Eating

By the mode: in that location's nothing wrong with treating yourself to some greasy vegan pizza once in a while, even if you've been eating this way for years.

That'southward part of the lifestyle and long-term success strategy that makes information technology more simply a diet. We personally go for 90% whole food plant-based meals and 10% processed fun foods.

Mastering social situations

Alright, then the food part is covered in-depth at present. Y'all know the nuts of plant-based nutrition, why you should emphasize or de-emphasize sure foods and how you can sail smoothly through the transition period.

But what happens in the real world if you go out to eat? What if your new diet starts conversations with family unit and friends?

A huge and important piece of the puzzle is mastering social situations and being able to take healthy relationships within your social circle.

Depending on your situation, you lot can choose from the following articles to aid you lot out:

Connecting with agreeing people is very helpful, maybe even crucial, for an easier transition and long-term success on this lifestyle.

We often hear from our readers that they don't have any support at home from their family – which is why nosotros highly recommend reaching out online and joining a virtual vegan grouping somewhere.

A practiced identify to start would exist Facebook (cheque out our private support group here) where you lot can just expect for vegan groups, found-based groups or fifty-fifty some groups that are local to your expanse!

If you lot like browsing through social media, fill your feed with informational and inspirational accounts that tin can constantly remind y'all of the benefits of a establish-based diet and give yous new tips.

Top view of people sitting around a wooden table with foods and drinks

The best plant-based resources

Hopefully, you feel similar yous've gained a good overview of this diet, the problem with animal foods versus plant-based foods and the basics of plant-based diet by at present. Nosotros wanted to keep the information rather bite-sized so as to non overwhelm you.

At the same time, continuing education is really helpful and motivates you to deepen your commitment, notice your own perfect way of eating institute-based and find more and more good reasons to go on with your WFPB nutrition.

You'll also find it a lot easier to get through future arguments with not-vegans and will be able to counter their hesitation and suspicion with some solid facts.

The great health benefits usually don't take a lot of time until y'all detect them, and when you practise, they'll further motivate you on your path – and, as in our case, it may bring with it the hunger to learn more than about what's possible: to know how to support the health of our family members, go artistic with nutritious food and how to eat out anywhere in the world.

Here are our favorite resources on all things constitute-based eating, health and lifestyle!

Best books

  • How Non to Die by Dr. Michael Greger
  • Condign Vegan by Brenda Davis, RD
  • Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis
  • v-Ingredient Whole-Food, Found-Based Cookbook
  • Animal Liberation by Peter Singer
  • Whole by Dr. T. Colin Campbell

Best documentaries

  • What The Health
  • Cowspiracy
  • Speciesism
  • Country Of Hope And Glory
  • Forks Over Knives
  • The Game Changers

The Best Vegan Documentaries

Popular experts

  • Michael Greger, Dr.
  • Neal Barnard, Dr.
  • Caldwell Esselstyn, Physician
  • Brenda Davis, RD
  • Julieanna Hever, RD
  • Ginny Messina, RD
  • Garth Davis, MD

Our Favorite Vegan Doctors

If y'all're looking for found-based nutrition or diet professionals in your area or want to work with someone online, the website Plant-Based Docs is a wonderful resource.

Inquiry & lifestyle

Starting time a plant-based diet now

Excited to get started? We hope this guide was tremendously useful to you lot – it's something nosotros wish we had when we first came beyond the WFPB diet.

From our years of experience of post-obit this lifestyle and helping thousands of others to do so as well, nosotros created some amazing resources to jumpstart your healthy vegan diet in an piece of cake and delicious mode!

Consummate Vegan Starter Kit

White iPads in horizontal position showcasing vegan starter kit with main guide in front and more ebooks indicated behind

Our 7-part eBook bundle "From A To Vegan" volition answer all of your questions and help you achieve long-term success. Here'due south what's inside:

  • Main guide with over 200 pages of science-backed plant-based nutrition communication, tips to gear up your kitchen, troubleshooting and then much more
  • 40+ whole food establish-based recipes
  • fourteen-day repast program with 56 recipes & shopping lists
  • Meal formulas for creating your own quick vegan bowls
  • Restaurant guide to find establish-based meals anywhere
  • Crook sheets, worksheets, printables & FAQ eBook

More than vegan guides

  • Going Dairy-Free For Beginners
  • How to Brand Spiralized Veggies
  • How to Make Bliss Assurance
  • Vegan Low-Cobweb Diet
  • Best Institute-Based Snacks at the Shop


Source: https://nutriciously.com/whole-food-plant-based-diet/

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