How to Transfer Money From Unemployment Card to Bank Account
Debit Card FAQs
En español
If you are eligible for unemployment benefits, it takes at least three weeks to process a claim for benefits and issue payment. We appreciate your patience.
If you choose to receive payments via a debit card, Bank of America will mail you a card once benefit payments are available. Due to the high volume of claims being processed, it may take a few extra days to receive your debit card in the mail.
If you received Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, or Paid Family Leave benefits on a debit card in the last three years, you will receive your benefit payments on that card.
- If your card has been lost or stolen, you must contact Bank of America at 1-866-692-9374 (TTY: 1-866-656-5913). You do not need to have your old card number or speak to a representative. Choose the "lost or stolen" option in the automated menu.
- If your card is damaged, you can order a replacement card online by visiting the Bank of America debit card website.
- If your card has expired, and you did not have any activity on the card within the last 90 days, or if you have a balance of less than $20, contact Bank of America debit card customer service.
Note: Bank of America representatives cannot answer questions about your claim or pending payments.
Payment information is updated daily and is available through your UI Online account or by calling the UI Self-Service Phone Line at 1-866-333-4606. Payment information for Disability Insurance or Paid Family Leave can be accessed through your SDI Online account or by calling one of the toll-free numbers provided at Contact Disability Insurance and Paid Family Leave.
More FAQs
- State Disability Insurance
- Unemployment Insurance
How can I get my debit card replaced?
If your card is lost, stolen, or damaged, it can be replaced at no cost to you.
If your card has been lost or stolen, you must contact Bank of America at 1-866-692-9374 (TTY: 1-866-656-5913).
If your card is damaged, you can order a replacement card online by visiting the Bank of America debit card website.
If your card has expired, and you did not have any activity on the card within the last 90 days, or if you have a balance of less than $20, contact Bank of America debit card customer service.
Note: If you have activity on your card within the last 90 days, or if there is a balance of $20 or more, Bank of America will automatically mail you a new card before your card expires.
How do I get a chip debit card?
Bank of America is sending chip cards to new claimants starting July 25, 2021. If you already have a debit card, it will be replaced with a chip card when it expires.
If your card has been lost or stolen, you must contact Bank of America at 1-866-692-9374 (TTY: 1-866-656-5913).
If your card is damaged, you can order a replacement card online by visiting the Bank of America debit card website.
How can I get cash from my debit card for an emergency situation if I don't have my card?
Bank of America can assist you with a domestic emergency cash transfer if you need funds from your debit card immediately and are still waiting for your card to arrive in the mail. Refer to Bank of America's Schedule of Bank Fees page for fee information on emergency cash transfers and other services. To request an emergency cash transfer, you must contact the Bank of America debit card customer service by calling:
- 1-866-692-9374 (voice)
- 1-866-656-5913 (TTY)
- Collect at 423-262-1650 (if outside the U.S.)
Why are my benefits initially on a debit card and not immediately established as a direct deposit?
The debit card allows benefits to be paid to claimants who do not have a bank account and eliminates the need for the EDD to request and maintain bank account information for each claimant. Advantages of the debit card include: ease of use, increased security, and efficient delivery of Disability Insurance, Paid Family Leave, and Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit payments.
You may choose to transfer some or all of your benefits to your checking or savings account by performing a direct deposit transfer. Information regarding direct deposit transfers is available on the debit card page.
When will I receive my debit card?
The debit card is mailed to you when your first benefit payment is authorized by the EDD. Allow 7 to 10 business days for delivery. Subsequent payments are issued to the debit card when you submit a certification and you are determined eligible for payment.
SDI Customers who are eligible for benefits will receive the following three to five business days after their claim is approved:
- A payment notification (DE 2500E).
- California debit card for Unemployment and Disability Benefits notification.
- The debit card.
What will I receive with my debit card?
The following items are in your debit card welcome packet:
- Your debit card
- Instructions and information
- Wallet-size Quick Reference Guide with customer service and fee schedule information
- California Employment Development Department Debit Card Deposit Agreement with Schedule of Bank Fees
- Bank of America Privacy Policy
When you receive your card, carefully read all information to ensure proper activation and use of the card. We recommend you activate your card immediately.
How do I use my debit card?
Once you receive and activate your new debit card, you can then use the card immediately as you would a personal debit card. You can make purchases up to the amount available on your card anywhere Visa® cards are accepted. You can withdraw cash without charge at any Bank of America network ATM, and can make two free withdrawals per benefit deposit at non-network ATMs.
You may also elect to walk into any financial institution that accepts Visa® and cash out the balance on the card. (Note: You'll need to keep close track of your card balance via phone or online tools if you wish to cash out an exact balance, bank tellers do not have access to your card account information.) In addition, you may also choose to have Bank of America conduct a direct deposit transfer of some or all of the available funds to your personal checking or savings account.
What is a direct deposit transfer?
A direct deposit transfer is done electronically and transfers the money available on your debit card account to your personal checking or savings account. Most can be done fairly quickly. After you receive and activate your card, contact Bank of America either online or by phone, 1-866-692-9374 (voice), or TTY 1-866-656-5913, to set up your direct deposit transfer.
Important Information about direct deposit transfers:
- Direct deposit transfers cannot be performed until you receive and activate the debit card.
- You do not need a checking or savings account with Bank of America to set up a direct deposit transfer to your own bank account with another banking institution.
- Direct deposit transfers can be set up as a one-time transfer or as an automatic recurring transfer.
- A valid email account is required.
- Delays may occur until the next business day if you bank at a smaller institution or if the transfer happens over a weekend when banks are closed.
- This option can be set up by contacting Bank of America either online or by phone, 1-866-692-9374 (voice) or 1-866-656-5913 (TTY). Do not contact the EDD to set up a direct deposit transfer.
- If immediate access to your funds is critical, you may choose to only have a portion of your benefits transferred to your personal bank account and keep the remainder on your card so those funds are immediately available.
- You may begin, modify, or stop your direct deposit transfer at any time.
- Direct deposit transfers may also be referred to as a funds transfer.
How do I set up a direct deposit transfer to my checking or savings account?
After you receive and activate your card, contact Bank of America either online or by phone, 1-866-692-9374 (voice), or TTY 1-866-656-5913.
You will need the following to set up a direct deposit transfer:
- A debit card issued in your name.
- A valid e-mail account.
- Your routing and account numbers for the account you want to transfer the money to.
Do I need an account with Bank of America to use my debit card?
No. You do not need a checking or savings account with Bank of America or any other financial institution to receive your benefit payments on the debit card.
Will the EDD or Bank of America contact me to obtain personal information about my account?
No. The EDD or Bank of America will never contact you under any circumstances to request confidential information about your debit card. If you receive a call, email or letter requesting confidential information about your account such as your debit card number, PIN or SSN, do not respond.
Will my debit card affect my credit score?
No. The debit card is not associated with a credit line and will not show up on your credit report. Your debit card allows you to access your benefit payment funds from your debit card account.
Will I be charged fees to use my debit card?
Fees can be avoided with careful use of your card. When you receive your debit card and welcome packet, thoroughly read your debit card deposit agreement and refer to the Schedule of Bank Fees section to make sure you understand any transaction and service fees that may apply to your card. Fees can be avoided by following the tips provided in the welcome packet.
There are no fees for the following:
- Cash-back with purchases at grocery stores, drug stores, and U.S. post office locations.
- ATM withdrawals at domestic Bank of America ATMs.
- Two free ATM withdrawals per benefit deposit at non-Bank of America ATMs (though the other Bank may charge a transaction or service fee).
- Unlimited teller cash access at any bank or credit union that accepts Visa® cards.
- Unlimited direct deposit transfers to a checking or savings account (including non-bank of America accounts).
- Unlimited balance inquiries at ATMs and online customer service.
- Unlimited automated and live customer service inquiries.
- Free domestic card replacement.
Fees may apply for the following:
- ATM withdrawals at non-Bank of America ATMs (after the two free transactions per deposit).
- International ATM withdrawals.
- Non-Bank of America ATM transactions by ATM owners who may impose an additional "convenience fee" or "surcharge fee."
- Domestic Emergency Cash Transfer.
- International Transaction Fee.
Some merchants may charge a "convenience fee" or "surcharge fee" for debit card transactions.
My debit card is set to expire. How do I get a new card?
A new debit card will automatically be issued to you when your card is set to expire if there has been financial activity (deposit or transaction) in the last 90 days or you have a card balance of $20 or more. New cards will be mailed on the first business day of the month that the card is due to expire. You should receive a new card within 7 to 10 days after the mail date.
My debit card has expired and a new card has not been issued. Where is my new card?
A new debit card will not be issued if there has been no financial activity (deposit or transaction) in the last 90 days and the account balance is $19.99 or less. For information about a new card after your card expires, contact Bank of America.
My new debit card has been reissued but there are no funds on the card. Where is my money?
If you receive a new card, it does not indicate that a new claim has been filed or reopened, or that you are currently eligible to receive additional benefit payments. If you have recently filed or reopened a claim for benefits and have questions about the status of your claim, call one of the toll-free numbers provided at Contact EDD.
If you suspect fraud on your debit card account, you should call Bank of America immediately at the number listed on the back of your card.
How to Transfer Money From Unemployment Card to Bank Account
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